US towards

soul integrity

There must be a way out of our predicament, into a way of life that is based on deep meaning and mutual care. We are made for this. And it seems to be a journey. Where did we get lost? What are the pathways to walk and how will we walk them in respect for our individual expressions, our regional particularities and with a sense for the common ground in our shared membership in the human species?

Through my discovery journey and from my work as a trauma therapist I became aware of a deep soul wound that seems to be at the root of the many dis-balances we are witnessing in the world we created. An essential gap between us and – us, playing out in almost every societal context of our daily lives on this planet.

The times of hold-back are over. It was in my mid 40s that I decided to gift a good part of my life and energy to share what I know and to actively contribute to the building of a new human-possible culture based on the knowing of our souls.

Who do we want to be as humanity? And what is mine in it to do? These two questions were the starting point for my research on a modern circle culture that allows for new ways to come together and co-create beyond the limiting logics of fights of opinions, competition, shaming and scapegoating.

It turned out that my active research is at the same time a prototyping for the new, offering spaces for a mutual exploration in benevolence in a community, allowing for a healing of the broken trust. Humanity is a trustworthy species. To come back to that self-understanding is crucial in order to face the manifold challenges we created for ourselves and the environment that is still here to nourish us.



Spielen, das Unmögliche denken, die gewohnten Strukturen hinter sich lassen, uns selbst überraschen. Mit der Erlaubnis zu wachsen, auszuprobieren, zu scheitern – und wieder aufzustehen. Ernste Themen spielerisch angehen, die neuen Verbindungen genießend. In diesem Geiste ist meine partizipative Forschungsarbeit rund ums Menschsein angelegt.

Wir sehen die Brüche. Haben wir genügend Vertrauen, um uns trotz und mit unserer tiefen Seelenverletzung aktiv und gestalterisch auf den Weg der Heilung und des Heilens zu begeben? Willkommen bei Integrity For Future. Willkommen im „Trustable Tribe“.


Heilung für das
Nervensystem der Menschheit

Creativity only can appear when we feel safe enough to show up. A benevolent space and the focus on connection make the impossible possible. After many centuries of suppression and power gaming it’s not easy to embark for a more joyful journey.

To venture into this task we will need to face our soul wound. We will need to learn how to offer each other secure enough spaces to feel the unaddressed discomfort of being part of a species that caused so much damage to the world of living beings and to its peers. Only grace will heal the underlaying shame.

Befreite Leidenschaft


Jede Stimme zählt!

Who do we want to be as humanity. I had the privilege to grow up in an environment where this question was taken important and very alive. Only later I would understand that this was a real nourishment for the soul. On my journey into the different contexts modern societies offer us as a “normal way to live” a subtle depression sneaked into my being. It took me a while to see the underlaying confusion. What I was missing most in all discussions about forms of organising as a society (socialist/ capitalist?), university degrees, the organisation of work, even meaningful issues such as growing poverty or the protection of nature was the foundation in the basic question of “who do we want to be?”

Integrity For Future is here to change that. 8 billion people, everyone living on this planet, is given the chance to articulate and share what is closest to their hearts. And being listened to. The questionnaire and the integrity interviews I do worldwide are at the heart of the global initiative. They are accompanied by an ongoing explorational research on liberating structures, ways of gathering and organising our societies that allow for a creative and joyful living amongst equals routed in trust

We are soulful beings. With our souls being nurtured with the basic nourishment that is needed for the time of its earthly adventure we might have the base to encounter the consequences of the time when we were in survival mode and deprived from our most essential resource.

Curious to the questions and your own answers to them? Interested in hearing from the soul takes of others? Keen to be part of a benevolent community where you are allowed to learn? Visit the homepage of the initiative to discover what is becoming possible for you and for us.


A Trustable Tribe

Gemeinschaft der Perlen-Taucher

For the human-possible shift from a culture of scapegoating to a culture of soul integrity and repair a basic shift of perception is needed which we can only start to access in our togetherness. A Trustable Tribe is the overall community of pearl divers. In its biggest potential it includes the average 8 billion people living on our planet.

At the same time it is a path to walk. A simple yes is opening for you the possibility to actively join the tribe and walk it together with the other beautiful souls joining you on this adventure.

What makes our community special is that we are welcoming and actively integrating the experience of shame. As challenging as this feeling might be, it makes us human. It is underestimated in its transformational power. It actually holds the Golden Key for us to find our way home.

The safe ground we are longing for is created by our full presence in the non-spaces. Inconsolable, invincible, impossible, unspeakable, unheard. We turn shame into gold. The creation of sacred relational spaces and physical places for our worship of life is equally part of our journey. Learn more about the ways in which we gather and the possibilities to engage.



Scham ist eine Schatzkiste voll mit Energie. Ann hat den Schlüssel dazu gefunden.

Mitglied im Circle of 12

Temple Of Grace & Beauty

Difficult feelings can challenge our ability to stay aligned with our deepest values and to remain centred in our soul integrity.

The Temple of Grace & Beauty is a sacred space devoted to our experiences of loss, shame, failure and heartbreak- safe enough that we can feel the hitherto undigestible. 

Temple of Grace & Beauty >

The Golden Key

To feel shame and to make the tied up life energy accessible for what we want to move in the world – women have a special task here. This is why we are gathering in Circles of 12.

„The Golden Key“ is a heart open & hands on peace work on the nervous system of humanity.

Women Circle of 12 >

Unsere Perlen

  • spielerisches Prototyping für das Neue
  • Perlen-Tauchen in guter Gesellschaft
  • freudevolles Lernen, bei dem scheitern erlaubt ist
  • jede Stimme wird gehört
  • behutsames Sichtbarwerden in unserem Wesen
  • ein Kompass, der auf Verbindung ausgerichtet ist
  • das einforderbare Menschenrecht auf Seelenintegrität
  • Scham als Beziehungstiefer
  • die Wiederherstellung von Vertrauen
  • Spielfelder für ein neues Menschsein

BE curious